This listing includes Around 200ct-500ct.
1. 200ct Turquoise, Rose Quartz, Lapis, Chalcedony, Smoky Quartz,.Tanzanite, Ruby. Emerald, mixer of all gemstone drops
Shapes plain and faceted,, all has drilled and holes in it, good to start learn your jewelry, sizes 6mm to 15mm
SKU: 001089412.
2. 500ct Aventurine, Turquoise, Lapis, Rose Quartz, Azurite, Chalcedony, White Agate., green turquoise, all smooth sizes between 12x10 to 20mm sizes
SKU: 001089423.
3. 200ct South Sea Shell Pearls (10,12,14mm)
SKU: 001089434.
4. 200ct Lapis, Gold stone, Chalcedony, Serpentine, Quartz, Turquoise.... 6mm to 16mm SKU: 001089445.
5.200 ct Fresh water Pearls 5mm to 15mm SKU: 001089456.
6. 200ct Coral, Lapis, Onyx, Kyanite, Citrine, Amethyst, Aquamarine, Carnelian, Sodalite, Labradorite.... mostly roundell facetted and plain beads 3mm to 10mm SKU: 001089467.
7. 500ct Onyx, Sodalite, Quartz, Chalcedony., agate, green adventuring,, cornelian, turquise, sizes between 10mm to 30mm mostly smooth plain beads. SKU: 00108947